Watching and Waiting

The journey is not just arriving at the final destination, but to also enjoy the sensations and experiences along the path of life.


Year 1997
Oil on board
85 x 122 cm

Boy seated, head down, head crowned with different color paper flowers, a tradition of German origin used in some schools to represent the youngest ones on their saint’s day.

In his right hand he holds some rolled up papers, he rests his cheek on the left hand in an attitude of obvious disappointment and annoyance at the wait time that to him seems eternal when facing the upcoming celebration of his birthday party.

©María José Aguilar

IV Advice

Be content to wait, watch for the turning tide
as a beached boat waits, in no rush to float away.
Whoever waits can be sure he’ll win in the end
since life is long and art is only a toy.
And if life is short
and the sea never reaches your skiff,
still wait and don’t depart, go right on hoping,
for art is long, and besides it doesn’t matter.

Antonio Machado (Seville 1875- Collioure 1939)
Parables, Published by La Cueva Boreal on 6/23/1914

“They say that, since I learned to express myself verbally, I manifested a fervent and unwavering desire: TO PAINT



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